Emergency Contacts
Emergency Safety Procedures
Bomb Threats
Medical Emergency
Toxic Hazards
Civil Disturbance
Elevator Malfunction
Severe Weather
Emergency Contacts
Police/Fire Department/Ambulance 911
Office of the Building 312.794.7777
Security Control Office 312.751.3695

The building address for emergency vehicles is: 172 East Chestnut Street

Please remember, anytime you call the police, fire or emergency medical service, notify Building Management and Building Security to ensure that they are properly prepared for the arrival of the emergency vehicles.

Ambulance Protocol

Should the need arise for an ambulance, follow the listed procedures:

  2. Call 911 - this is the Chicago Fire Department Rescue Squad and give the following information:
    • The name of your company.
    • The building address: All emergency vehicles must be directed to 172 E. Chestnut Street.
    • Your floor and suite #.
    • The symptoms of the problem.
  3. Call Building Security at 312.751.3695 and tell them to stand by for an ambulance.
    • Give your company name and suite number.

Security will have one of two elevators ready for the rescue squad upon their arrival and escort them to your office.

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